Or final death

20 May 2021; Episode 15. The show, Evil hours is all about darkness, dark thoughts, terrifying imaginations, horrible incidences and dark truths every person go through once in their life, if you're a lover of poetry and love to go into deep evil thoughts while playing with words, this hour is made just for you, let's see how dark the world is, let's read the minds of different poets across the world and explore more and more endless ideas buried inside the darkest corner of human brains, let's know the dark side of people through their poems. You'll get bunch of dark poems in today's show and you'll surely get something new and interesting to listen about.
In today's episode, we'll talk about different poets and their writes like Dindleh, Velvet Glove, Jaden Knight, StevenNY with their creepy write, Antique Lady, R. S. Morris, Killing Tyme    and Tparry898 with their frightening horrible write, Roy kbmw, keerththan and Roshan kumar with their really deep and dark write. You can search these poets on all poetry by the same name if you wanna read their more writes.
The show will be live at pfstation.blogspot.com, every Thursday at 9PM
To go directly on the show, click here https://pfstation.blogspot.com/2020/12/evil-hours-by-chhaya-24-dec-2020.html?m=1