The Book of Heaven

17 January, 2021; Episode 7. The power of poets is such that the sun rises and bows for them. Ever wondered how the majestic mountains kneel down to uplift the words of verse? Listen to this show to reveal the utterly secretive mysteries a writer hides. Ranging from the plight of a broken heart to the beauty of nature, the poets show the world how rhyming is never a tragedy. Starting with Yashwant Gurjar enlightening the audience with the moon's monthly behavior, the show moves on to poems by phenomenal voices like Tade, Gary Phillips Jr, Scraps n scribbles, Jaden Knight and Tanvi. As Sadika Sharif brings about the magical tinge of hope in the hopeless minds by making the audience ponder of a world where the present has seen its tomorrow, the show continues to Icy reading her poem 'hahahaha' in her own voice. After verses by Bunbury, Richu Karan Garg, Farrukh and Pete Black, the listeners are awed by the plight of depression and anxiety portrayed by Dominik Gauthier. As Fae acknowledges the mystery and beauty of a cave, the show comes to an end with Keena H. Smith's marvelous poem about the power of self-pride. To reveal the mysterious dexterity of poetry, don't forget to hear this amazing show. For more updates, subscribe to and stay tuned.


  1. Alice21:09

    Love the show! Simply amazing!
